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Pasta picker

If you have found the Pasta Picker useful please buy me a coffee.
Select as many ingredients as you want in your pasta

Hints and tips

Select a topping option

get my pasta recipe

Click on any ingredient, sauce or topping and the recipe will appear here
How to use this widget

1. Select your pasta

2. Select your sauce

3. Select the other ingredients you want in your pasta.

4.Select a topping if you want one

Then click get my pasta and the widget will generate a recipe for you. If you don't like your selection just cancel it and try again.

This widget uses a more restaurant style method of preparation.You make your sauce, pasta ingredients and toppings first. Then you cook your pasta and then combine everything at the end when you are ready. This means everything can be cooked in advance.

How to cook pasta tutorial

As cooking times vary from pasta to pasta I suggest cooking the pasta according to the packet instructions. But before you do look at these hints and tips.
1. Cook the pasta in an excess of salted water. As a rule of thumb
2. Make sure the water is rapid boiling before you add the pasta. When you have added it stir thoroughly to begin with and bring the water to the boil as quickly as possible. Stir lightly every minute or so.
3. Time the pasta - don't guess. Cook the pasta for 3 minutes less than it states on the packet. If it says ten minutes then boil it for 7 minutes. Why? Because if you are cooling it down and reheating it again the pasta will cook a little more and finish itself. This prevents overcooking of the pasta.

4. After the timed period of cooking drain the pasta in a sieve or colander and place in a large tray to cool naturally or run cold water from a tap (fawcet) over the pasta while it is still in a pan. When it is cold drain it well.
If you are using your pasta immediately just drain it and keep it in a sieve until you need to use it. If it starts to stick then drizzle over a little oil and mix it thoroughly.
5. Place your cooled pasta in a container, drizzle over a little oil, and with a spoon stir the oil in to coat the pasta all over - this will stop it sticking together.
6. Proceed with your recipe. Generally one will warm the sauce, add the pasta and cooked selected ingredients, serve and then top with your topping.


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